1010 East 63rd Ave Vancouver BC V5X2L1
Tel: +604-782-0394
Email: avoscontracting@gmail.com

Metal/Linear Ceilings

HomeMetal/Linear Ceilings

Metal/Linear Ceilings
Metal linear system features spaces between the panels which may be left open for acoustical or air movement requirement or closed with either separate filler strips or integral filler strips. This metal linear system could be installed flat or used to create radiuses and curves in various finish options.
Suitable for both interior and exterior as well as seismic applications. No organic compounds to facilitate microbial and mold growth.
AVOS | Your Project our Priority

Glimpse of the installation at various projects by our professional team.

AVOS | Your Project our Priority

AVOS Construction is a Vancouver based contracting firm with professional expertise in general contracting, construction management, design planning and consultation services. We provide services that range from Steel Stud Framing to Fire caulking. Avosconstruction.com is our one-stop website where you can see our portfolio and service description.

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1010 East 63rd Ave Vancouver BC V5X2L1

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